Like and very unlike Jake and Dinos chapman's Defiled Goya "Insult to injury". Defiled but considered, the Chapmans' work differs greatly in intentionallity Emin's doodles do not offend they neither add nor detract from Bourgeois' ruddy ochre washes laden with an intense personal sexuality. Emin neuters.
The whole show is elegantly and intelligently curated by Susanna Greeves. The show is littered with homages to Bourgeois, others sharing her common themes and materials. Apart from this there is a plethora of unworldly delights, a huge collection from 1930's 'till now and on. Films on the Artists Clauda Cahun (Love/other) and Maya Deren (Sink) made by Barbara Hammer. Over 50 women Artists are represented.
An apt and succinct collection of work, everything but Marina Abramovic, Siobhan Hapaska et al. A taste at least of what has been what is and what will be.
With not long left...poor old Bourgeois must have been past senile to have welcomed these tawdry narcissistic cack handed scrawls onto her work. BOOOOO!!! :)
Our Tracy is amazing.